Is This Cat Going Up or Down the Stairs?


You may recall #thedress.  It was an internet sensation a couple months back that caused debate among social media circles everywhere.  One picture of a dress that everyone seemed to see differently.  What color was the dress?  Was it blue and black, or white and gold?



Apparently people can’t get enough controversy, because there is a new image making it’s way around social media circles.  Shall we call it #thecat? This one captures a cat on some stairs.  Some swear it is coming up the stairs, towards the photographer who would be at the top.  Others say it is clearly coming down the stairs towards the photographer at the bottom.





A Gag9 user posted the image to the website, and people are swarming the post with their opinions.   Here are some theories:

“Captain here. The cat is going up, the tail is used to balance the body of the cat and in this case the tail is elevated upwards so that when the cat uses its rear legs to push up it pushes parallel to the line on which gravity is working on the tail to stabilize itself, the tail is not perfectly in line with the line on which gravity is acting in the photo due to the movement to stabilize the body.”

“Not only that about the stairs, also look at the left as you see the picture. You can see that rectangles following the stairs. If cat was going up, that means that these are not line perfectly with the stairs. Going down tho, they are placed perfectly with the stairs. I dunno if i could explain it correctly in English but that is how the architecture of stairs are 99% of the times.”

“Doesn’t matter, this cat is going places, thats for sure.”

So, what’s your opinion?  Is the cat going up or down?