Is your child addicted? Ways to tell


It’s the summer time so I have been little my son play some video games, which I never do. I am shocked to see how angry he gets and to get him to stop playing is torture. My new strategy is I set a timer and he seems to respond well to that but WOW! how do you mom’s of older kids do it?

I can see how easy it is to become addicted to playing and came across this quiz to find out if your child is addicted to video games.

1)Does your kid play games for multiple hours every single day?

2) How does your child react when you ask her to stop playing video games?

3) What is the mood like when he’s not playing video games?

4) Are chores and homework neglected for video games?

5) How is your child’s relationship with friends.

Great questions to sit and ponder, you can take the full quiz HERE with results.

How do you handle gaming in your home? What have you learned about games and how to manage your child’s use?