Kid Needs to Learn to Behave in the Car…Or Else


We’ve all been there, struggling to get the kids to behave in the car. It might be for them to lower their voice or sit still.  If you have more than one child you probably spend most of your time telling the kids to “knock it off” or “stop touching your brother.” So how do you get your kids to obey in the car? Maybe it is something like this guy.

Dad, Jonny Corbett, “teases” his 4-year-old son to get him to behave in the car.  He pretends that the red “SOS” button in his car will eject his son into the stratosphere if he is naughty.  Charlie’s dad recorded the boy’s response to the button.

Check out the video and let us know what you think. Is this just joking around or too traumatic for a four-year-old?