“Little Pink Pill” Coming Soon for Women


Men have had viagra since 1998 and now women are getting their own help in the sex department.  The FDA has approved a women’s version, Addyi.  It claims to boost libido, but there are risks.





The FDA has twice rejected the medicine, produced by Sprout Pharmaceuticals.  The pill comes with warnings for women who take the pill that include: risks of fainting when combined with alcohol, fatigue, low blood pressure, nausea, and sleeplessness.  However, Sprout says the benefits outweigh the risks and women want this pill.

“It’s been a long time coming,” says Cindy Whitehead, CEO of drug-maker Sprout Pharmaceuticals of Raleigh, N.C. “We’re thrilled…This opens the door to medical treatment for women” never available before.

This pill isn’t for every woman and should be taken with caution. It is advised that a woman shouldn’t take it for more than 8 weeks unless she sees an increase sexual desire. Is it really worth it? The FDA reported that in trials women who used Addyi had “0.5 to one additional event [satisfying sexual activity] per month over placebo.”

Just like any drug it will work for some people and not others. The hope is that this will lead to increase in options for women who need a little help in this area.

Would you try it?