Make Your Own Cloth Wipes


I’ve mentioned before, my little guy has my sensitive skin, poor baby. That beautiful creamy epidermis flairs at the slightest irritation. When he was a baby, we had trouble getting rid of his diaper rash. He pretty much had a perma-rash for the first six months of his life. It was a frustrating off-and-on process of trying to clear up his little bottom. We tried everything. Finally we had a breakthrough. We started using cloth wipes and a homemade solution when we changed his diapers. It worked. The homemade wipe solution gives his skin the protection it needs but also keeps it moisturized and clean. But enough about my baby’s butt. Read on for a step-by-step tutorial to make cloth wipes and how to mix the natural solution.

Let’s start with making the wipes. It’s a very in-depth, intricate process so you might want to grab some paper and a pen to make notes. Ready?

Step 1: Find some scissors.
Step 2: Cut up an old (clean) cotton t-shirt into little wipe-sized strips.

That’s it. Yup, that’s how I made my cloth wipes because I’m lazy, and I hate to sew. And my husband has a whole stack of old ratty t-shirts that he would probably still be wearing if I hadn’t put my foot down and forbade him from leaving the house in them. I figured that by reusing the old t-shirts I was 1) saving money and 2) recycling to save the earth. And that’s what it’s all about. Then I did the hokey pokey and I turned myself around. Clap Clap.

I should mention that almost every cloth diaper store or website offers cloth wipes to buy. They’re usually really cute and crazy soft. They’re professionally stitched and come in pretty colors and everything. On from Evelyn at