Man Ticketed for Eating a Cheeseburger


You’ve probably heard the term, distracted driving. A Georgia police officer pulled a man over and ticketd him for eating a cheeseburger. Madison Turner told local news reporters, “The officer said to me that I wasn’t speeding or driving erratically.”

His attorney said usually there is a reason, a driving offense, for a ticket like this. The law states that it is illegal to do anything that would distract “from the safe operation of such vehicle.”

Most drivers said they understand there are dangers with distracted driving, but this incident seems vague.

Turner said he is going to court and waiting to hear what a judge says. “I was extremely careful and didn’t get a bit of mustard on my shirt.”

Obviously, any mother who has been in the car with a toddler knows what distracted driving really is. I know I swat in the back seat just hoping to make contact with somebody. I’ve had kids throwing action heroes at each other. There is always the inevitable “I dropped my iPad.”

I wonder how this will turn out and if they’ll start handing out tickets to people putting on makeup or dealing with a screaming 2-year-old.