Mom Has 10-Year-Old Son Arrested For Misbehaving


Chiquita Hill from Columbus, Georgia was worried about her misbehaving son, and decided to take discipline a step further by having her 10-year-old arrested.






Her son Sean had recently been acting out at school by disrespecting teachers and not doing his school work.  She sat down with him numerous times to talk it out and come to a resolution, but after weeks of trying nothing was working.  She began fearing his behavior would lead to a lack of respect for authority, and decided to involve the police to “scare him straight.”

“Being disrespectful at any age to anyone now could get you killed,” said Hill. “He’s going through the phase right now, it’s just in one ear out the other,”

She contacted local police, and they came out to the home to talk with young Sean.  After having a conversation with him, they handcuffed him, “arrested” him and led him to the patrol car where they detained him for about 5 minutes.

Chiquita documented the whole event with pictures and posted them to Facebook where they have received thousands of likes and shares, many in support of Hill’s actions.

“It’s hard for a black male now, and I just want him to grow up to be successful and to be respectful,” Hill explained.

Her son looked visibly shaken from the ordeal.  Do you think this kind of consequence was appropriate, or did she go too far?


  1. What the kid needed was real parenting. Sitting there talking it out isn’t going to change the behavior. Maybe what he really needed was to be turned over his mother’s knee.

    I hate to see stuff like this. I think the mother went too far. You don’t call the police on your kids for that, you “police” them yourself by being a mother, not by sluffing it off onto the cops.

    Now, if her kid was beating kids up, causing riots, engaging in criminal activity – maybe that might be the way to go. But not for merely acting disrespectful and not doing your homework. Heck, with Common Core out there, what kid wants to do their homework? He’s not the only one.

    I’d also like to know what the disrespect was? Today if a kid thinks for himself, he’s being disrespectful to the teachers who don’t like the kid’s ability to draw his own conclusions in life.

  2. Hats off to that mother and kudos to the police for helping her teach her son a lesson he will not forget. If more parents were willing to take the initiative and stop the bad behavior before it gets out of hand, there would quite possibly be less people in the prison systems and more productive members of society. Kids need some tough love at times. When I was young and you did something wroong, you knew it because you heard the unmistakable sound of dad’s belt being removed. Now a days, it’s time outs or quiet time to think about what you’ve done. Actions speak louder than words always.

  3. No, she did NOT go too far!! Spot on mom for caring enough about your son to “scare him straight”. It is extremely difficult, especially in the south (where I’m from) for black men and women alike. But the ones who are successful had mom’s who cared enough to let their children pay the consequences of their actions. She tried reasoning and talking. She thought she had a course of action he would follow through with and got no results. And as his mother, she’d be the only one who would know if he had a reason to act out. It’s either this, or one day she could be watching as they handcuff him and drive away for 6-12 months. Props to you GA mom!!

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