Mom Lets Toddler Son Dress Her For a Week


As parents of toddlers, we are use to being the one to choose their outfits every day.  We do the clothes shopping, the laundry, and decide what they wear (for the most part).  What if the tables were turned?  What would your toddler choose for you to wear if they had free reign of your closet?

One mom decided to give it a try. Summer Bellessa said she likes everything in her closet and mixes and matches all the time, so she thought it would be fun to see what her little boy came up with.

For the most part, we are impressed with his choices!  The only time it got a little hairy is when he chose two different shoes for her to wear on the same day.


Summer says the look on his face when she actually wore what he suggested was priceless.

“So what did I learn from this experience? A lot of being a mom is telling people what to do, and it was therapeutic for both of us to change roles, if even in this small way. He enjoyed having his opinions heard, but he was also done after a certain point. I would recommend letting your little one pick your outfit one day this week and seeing how it goes. Not only will it be something that they remember, it was also be liberating. I realized how little people really care about what you’re wearing. The pressure we put on ourselves to look a certain way is just that: pressure we put on ourselves. I wore two different shoes for two days, and no one noticed until I pointed it out. You can be playful with your clothes, or casual or stylish, but it’s really up to you. The last thing I learned from this experiment, is to find moments to be silly. Silliness is good for your kids and for your heart. Don’t take yourself to serious: they’re just clothes.”

We love it!  Kudos to Summer for instilling confidence in her little boy in this fun and creative way.  You can check out the rest of her outfits here.