Mom Takes Toddler on Rock-Climbing Adventures


This mom is doing her best to get her toddler into the great outdoors. We think both of them are pretty cool. “I want Hadlie to appreciate life and I don’t think there’s any better way for her to learn, grow and have gratitude than to be friends with Mother Earth.”

Morgan Brechler hikes mountains, climbs and repels rocks, and Hadlie, her three-year-old, is often right beside her.  According to an interview with the Daily Mail mother daughter duo has been hiking, camping, and climbing in Hawaii, Arizona, California, and many other places.  Morgan says Hadlie is just like other children and does have tantrums, but they are short and far between.

She and two other adventurous moms participated in a short documentary about their adventures with their kids. Three young mothers and their children embark on an epic adventure to explore what it means to bring family to the outdoors. Born Wild is an empowering short documentary exploring the balance between living an adventurous life and motherhood.

The duo’s adventures are documented over at Morgan’s Instagram account. Sure, we may not all be able to climb a giant rock or camp in Joshua Tree, but we can take a hike. There are plenty of spots in Colorado Springs that offer family and kid-friendly hiking. Get those kids outside and show them the beautiful side of Colorado.