Mom Uses Public Humiliation & Tough Love To Help Son


Dynesha Lax says her 14-year-old son is out of control and she is trying to save her son. He has already been convicted of multiple felonies and she said the punishments from the courts aren’t helping. She decided to make a sign for her son to wear around his neck and make him stand for two hours on a street in Fort Wayne, Indiana. The sign says: “I lie, I steal, I sell drugs, I don’t follow the law.”

She said someone called the police on her, but the police said she had every right to do what she was doing. One of the first questions most people ask is, how did he get in that much trouble? Well, I’m sure she has a story, but what makes this mom great is that she is doing everything she can to make her son see a life of crime doesn’t pay. If he’s embarassed, too bad, he’d probably be more embarassed about dropping out of high school and going to jail. Check out the video below. Would you use this type of punishment?