My Pinterest Opinion


There are over 70 million users of the social media site Pinterest and there are over 5 million items pinned on the site on a daily basis. 5 million, wow talk about overwhelming! Now, out of those 5 million daily pins how many items do you pin? Out of your pins about how many do you actually try; a lot or not too many?

Personally, I was one of those followers who pinned A LOT but didn’t necessarily try everything. That changed when I became a stay at home mom, I have started trying more recipes, craft ideas, and tips and tricks. Of course, not all of the items turn out very well and some turn out better that I thought they would. One nice thing about numerous pins is the comments people leave about it, but not all pins have comments and not all comments are spot on.

This is where I come in with my “Pinterest Opinion”. (Did you catch the “Pin” in the title?) I’m going to report back to you about pins I try, whether it’s a recipe, craft project, household trick or any other item I will post the result. Don’t get me wrong this is not going to be a long review on the pin but at least enough for you to know if you want to try it or not.

Here’s my first report card on a couple recipes I have tried.

This is a great recipe to put in the crockpot, start it in the morning and you’ll have a great dinner when you get home. Plus, you put the chicken in raw so it takes no time at all to prepare. The end result is pretty delicious BBQ, I paired it with coleslaw for a summer time favorite in winter.

Simple & Sweet Apple Cake
I made this cake for a mom’s play date, unfortunately the play date was cancelled so I pawned it off on my sister and her husband so I didn’t eat it all on my own. This cake is SO moist, it’s amazing, and is very tasty but not TOO sweet. My brother-in-law is not a huge fan of dessert and he loved this cake. I used Red Delicious apples in my recipe, but using a different type of apple may change the end result.

Of course I’m not a professional and all the above oPINions are my own. I would love to hear your oPINions on these same recipes or other Pinterest recipes, crafts, tips or tricks you have tried. Please send the Pinterest link along with your review directly to me ( and I’ll include you in my next Pinterest Opinion posting.