My Secret Beauty Tip


I feel like I’ve had problem skin almost my whole life.  I’ve always suffered from acne/break-outs, too dry or too oily skin, and I’ve tried every lotion and cream under the sun to try and help it.  As I’ve gotten older, it’s leveled out (for the most part) but I am always on the lookout for new products to keep my skin looking and feeling healthy.




Recently my sister asked me if I’ve ever tried Hemp seed oil on my face, and I’d honestly never even heard of Hemp oil.  I am aware of Hemp products *ahem, I live in Colorado* but not as a beauty tip! She ended up sending me a sample, and I am here to tell you I am now in LOVE with it as part of my skincare regime.

What is it and what does it do?

Yes, hemp oil is processed from cannabis in its seed form, and yes it’s legal, and no it won’t get you high. Let’s just get that out of the way! Hemp seed oil contains about 60% Linoleic acid, which is a nutrient that helps regulate sebum production as well as its quality. Sebum is supposed to naturally lubricate the skin without clogging pores, but when our diets lack enough linoleic acid it can become too sticky and easily hardens in the pores. This hardened sebum then becomes a blackhead, whitehead, or acne lesion.  Makes sense, right?

So, using hemp oil on your face, won’t clog your pores, and it won’t irritate your skin at all.  

In fact, since using it, my face is noticeably clearer and softer!  I apply a small amount to freshly washed skin, and I love that it absorbs quickly, doesn’t leave an oily heavy feeling AND it blends really well with foundation or make up if you wear it. I’ve always been very picky about how moisturizers feel – they are always either too heavy/oily feeling for me or leave my skin feeling tight and dry a half hour later. Hemp seed oil has absolutely been the perfect balance for me. I have also noticed less redness and irritation since using it.

I also recently learned you can safely consume it for health benefits!

Consuming a high quality hemp seed oil will help increase your levels of linoleic acid internally which will improve the quality and amount of oil your skin produces. Pretty soon, you’ll have oil that will be less likely to clog your pores! It’s recommended to take about 1-2 tablespoons a day. Put it on salads, or add it to your smoothie. Taking it every day is safe and beneficial for healthy skin.

Where can you get it?

Almost any health food store will carry it, and you can also order it from many companies online.  Just make sure it’s cold pressed, organic, and unrefined.  A good quality hemp seed oil will be greenish in color and have a nutty smell to it.

Give it a try, and let us know how you like it!