No More Circus Elephants for Ringling Bros.


The iconic circus elephants in the “Greatest Shoe On Earth” will be retiring by 2018.  According to Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus the elephants will be phased out of the show.  After 150 years in the circus business, the elephants will be done.

The circus’ owners, Feld Entertainment, says it is because of public concern and “a mood shift among customers.”  Animal rights’ advocates have been pressuring the circus to stop using the animals for entertainment.

The elephants will retire to the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Center for Elephant Conservation — a 200-acre facility in Florida.  “This is the most significant change we have made since we founded the Ringling Bros. Center for Elephant Conservation in 1995. When we did so, we knew we would play a critical role in saving the endangered Asian elephant for future generations, given how few Asian elephants are left in the wild,” said Kenneth Feld, Chairman and CEO of Feld Entertainment. “Since then, we have had 26 elephant births. No other institution has done or is doing more to save this species from extinction, and that is something of which I and my family are extremely proud. This decision was not easy, but it is in the best interest of our company, our elephants and our customers.”