One Size Fits All…Cats


It is summer and if you have a teenage daughter you may be having a few talks about what is and isn’t appropriate for them to wear.  Obviously, we all have different standards, but we can agree that we want our daughters to be respectable and proud of their bodies.  When you are clothes shopping this summer, remember this: if it fits the cat it is probably not acceptable for a 16-year-old.




This mother decided to prove this point to her daughter.  This is the top her daughter bought.


Here is the mom’s review: “My 16 y.o. daughter bought this thing. It is ridiculously small and I probably couldn’t legally post a picture of what it looks like if she attempts to wear it. But, so you can see… here is a picture of our cat wearing it. To be fair, it does cover all of the cats nipples, however, she hates the weave. In summary, do not buy this, even for your cat.”



This mom wins. You can’t argue with this, even if you are the smartest 16-year-old in the world.