Parents Beware: Colorado is a Social Host State


It’s the end of the school year and that means proms, parties and graduations. As parents it can be very difficult to be aware of exactly how your teens are celebrating these events.

Some parents are vigilent while others feel that kids will be kids, and what’s wrong with a little celebrating as long as they are safe in someone’s home while they enjoy a drink.

The problem that springs up is that parents can be held responsible if their is ANY underage drinking in their home. According to Today “States have different “social host laws” and under some of them, a parent can face criminal charges and hefty fines if an accident occurs as a result of any underage drinking at your home. Even if, say, you’re away on vacation and have no idea that anything is going down in the first place.”

We talked to Jeff Schmidt, State Farm Insurance Agent, about social host liability in Colorado.

“It is NEVER a good idea to serve underage drinkers. No matter what!” Schmidt explained that if you host a party at your home (for example a wedding reception or graduation party) you are still responsible as a social host.

If someone, of age, leaves your home and gets into an accident, or hurts another person, you could be liable. “Some homeowners policies will cover your liability in this instance but most won’t,” says Schmidt. Many insurance companies offer endorsements to your homeowners policy that will cover you for one-day special events. “This increases your liability coverage specific to that day/event, however is does not cover underage drinking,” explains Schmidt. It is a good idea to call your insurance agent and make sure you have adequate liability coverage.

Colorado is one such state that has Social Host laws. To learn more, click here.

So what is your opinion? Is it ok for kids to celebrate with a drink if it’s supervised? Do you know what your homeowners liability coverage includes?