Parents Sue School Because Wi-Fi is Making Son Sick


This is not a joke, this is a real and true law suit. This is an example of parents who need to chill out and find another way to help their son.  These Massachusetts parents want a school to lower the signal strength and pay them $250,000. 




The unidentified parents said their 12-year-old son has “Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity Syndrome” and has suffered headaches, nosebleeds and nausea since the school activated a stronger wireless signal in 2013. According to an article on, the school released a statement saying their Wi-Fi signal is “well within federal safety limits.”

Yes, there are links between people being sick and invisible rays, but there is no evidence of anyone ever being sick because of Wi-Fi.  A Boston oncologist went on the record with CBS Boston about Electromagnetic Hyper Sensitivity.

Dr. Robert Nagourney, an oncologist, explained some patients suffer from a syndrome called Electromagnetic Hyper Sensitivity.

“There are two kinds of radiation that we speak about: one is ionizing, and other is non-ionizing. In ionizing radiation, clearly there’s a great risk of DNA damage, mutation, and cancer,” added Dr. Nagourney.

This danger has not been proven by non-ionizing radiation which is the type emitted by cell phones, smart meters, and Wi-Fi.

Back in 2010-2013 there were quite a few studies done to see if there is a link between mobile phones and being sick, but there was no real conclusions either way.  The World Health Organization released a verdict on Mobile Phones and Cancer in 2011.  “There is some evidence linking mobile phones to cancer, but it is too weak to make any strong conclusions.” This is basically the same statement they made in 2006 regarding electromagnetic fields and public health: “Considering the very low exposure levels and research results collected to date, there is no convincing scientific evidence that the weak RF signals from base stations and wireless networks cause adverse health effects.”

“The family argues the school is in violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act, as well as its own handbook, which they say promises reasonable accommodations for students’ disabilities.” The family had one doctor’s opinion, but failed to get a second opinion validating the illness.

Nothing says whether these parents have taken him out of the school while the law suit is pending, since his health is at risk. It is interesting that if the parents believe this is the cause of his illness, wouldn’t take him out at least to see if he got better.

Unfortunately, if this kid is really sick due to Wi-Fi he has a long road ahead of him. Wi-Fi is everywhere and you can hardly go anywhere where there isn’t a signal. The bottom line is these parents need to get a second opinion, put the child in another school or homeschool, and stop asking a school to make accommodations for one child based on one medical doctor’s exam.