Postpartum Depression is a Real Problem


Recently, Hayden Panettiere announced she was seeking treatment for postpartum depression.  She gave birth to her first child in December.  Women around the world applauded her and have sent her prayers and positive thoughts.  Postpartum depression is a real issue and any new mother can suffer, but they don’t have to.





Every year about 10 to 20 percent of new mothers report feelings of depression. That is just those who report it, can you imagine the numbers of those who try to keep it hidden? Having a baby is hard work. It is difficult to transition to motherhood.  Yes, we, as women are naturally made to be mothers, but sometimes our head and our heart are not in the same place.  Thankfully, it isn’t a taboo subject and there are more resources than ever before.

The National Coalition for Maternal Mental Health says that it isn’t just postpartum depression, but anxiety as well. They hope that better screening will help new moms deal with depression and anxiety.  It is important to get the word out that there is help. Postpartum Support International has an incredible amount of essential info about perinatal mood & anxiety disorders, including risk factors, symptoms & treatments. The 2020 Mom Project believes that awareness and showing moms they aren’t alone can help those who suffer get through this time of depression and anxiety.