Real Estate Ad Shows Working Mothers Poorly


All moms juggle kids, household chores, errands, free time, and so much more.  Most moms are amazing organizers and keep their family happy and healthy.  Moms who have jobs have so many more responsibilities added to their plate.  Instead of being blasted for their ability to handle multiple things at once, they should be praised. That is why we are calling out these two male real estate agents.

Real estate company Costello and Costello asked Seattle, “Who would you rather represent you?” The postcard shows a super busy mom on one side and two smug men in suits on the other side.  The Costello brothers assumed that people would pick them over the part time agent. The over-the-top ad insinuates that a working mom has no control and does her business while the kids destroy the house and annoy her.

However, they were very wrong and have faced a huge backlash from working mothers.  KIROTV interviewed several moms who saw the ad and they all agreed this ad was harsh.  “It’s so bad, it’s so bad,” said Robin Baldwin who has three children and works part-time, “I don’t know if there were no women in the office who could quality control that or not.”

The duo immediately backtracked and produced an apology.

“There are thousands of professional agents working in our area who are also dedicated mothers, including several members of our team. Our original hope with this message was to show the value of having a full-time agent in a competitive market, but we completely failed. We have the upmost respect for moms and working mothers, and we know that the job of a mother is far more demanding than what we do as real estate professionals. Again, we are truly sorry.” – Costello and Costello Real Estate

However, it is too late animist moms agree they wouldn’t use this company.

As a working mom and a person who knows plenty of working moms I’ve never seen a mom this out of control. They may feel this out of control on the inside, but on the outside they have it together.  Check out this ad from another real estate agent, who happens to be a mother.  Which one would you rather hire? I’m going with this lady.
