RECALL: GoGo Squeez Pouches







If your GoGo squeez Pouches have a a “Best Before Date” between 6/30/16 and 7/26/16 and were produced in the U.S., they could have mold in them. Although the company says the mold is not hazardous to your health, they are accepting returns.

“An independent lab tested the mold, and an expert microbiologist determined that it poses no known health risk. However, we know mold is gross and unpleasant to look at or taste, and this is simply not the kind of experience we want you to have. As a consequence, we took every step to fully understand and fix the problem. We are completely confident that we are once again meeting our high quality standards. Additionally, we have been working closely with the FDA on our actions, and we will keep you updated with any new information.”

Click Here for more on the recall.