Should it be Illegal to Pierce a Baby’s Ears?


To pierce or not is the question for parents of infants and toddlers. Some people think you should wait until they are old enough to decide. Others say it is the best time because they are young and will always have them.

According to Susan Ingram, of the UK, “It is a form of child cruelty. Severe pain and fear is inflicted upon infants unnecessarily. It serves no purpose other than to satisfy the parent’s vanity.  Other forms of physically harming children are illegal — this should be no different.” She has petitioned Edward Timpson, the UK’s Minister for Children. Her petition has almost 35,000 signatures. 

Is this really a government issue? Shouldn’t parents be able to make some choices without the government regulating whether it is wrong or right? There is no law against circumcision and that is a huge issue, much bigger than pierced ears.  Personally, I’m not a fan of pierced ears on babies, but I would never support a law against it just because it was my opinion.

What do you think about setting a minimum age for ear piercing? Should this be a government issue?