Sleep Well Tonight With These 5 Tips


Sleeping well can be a constant struggle for many people. We are so stimulated all day long and then when we try to lay down and rest we fight for good sleep. Most parents establish bedtime routines with their children, but sometimes fail to set one for ourselves.  Here are five tips to help you sleep well tonight.





  1. Sleep in a cool, dark room. Yes, it sounds odd, but researchers have found that maintaining a constant temperature in the sixties helps the body sleep well. They added other benefits to a cool room are: allowing your body to release more melatonin, “which has been shown to protect brain health and fight against cancers, diabetes, heart disease and Alzheimer’s. Studies also show that melatonin improves weight control by increasing “beige” fat, a heat-generating type of fat that helps the body burn calories.”
  2. Maintain a sleep schedule. Do your best to go to sleep at the same time each night and wake up at the same time in the morning.  Yes, even on weekends.
  3. Avoid alcohol, caffeine, and heavy food a few hours before bedtime. Alcohol disrupts sleep, even though it seems like it helps you go to sleep.  We all now that caffeine can keep you awake and reduce the number of hours you sleep.  Eating a lot or eating heavy foods is not good before bedtime.  Your body is so busy digesting food it doesn’t have time to slow down and relax.
  4. Keep electronics out of the bedroom. This is a hard one, I know, but it is a biggie. The lights from electronics stimulate your brain and keep it awake. If your brain is awake it will keep your body awake.
  5. Write Out Your Worries and Thoughts before bedtime. Lots of people struggle with a busy brain at bedtime.  Take time out during the afternoon or early evening or when you can to write out what you need to do, what is on your mind, worries, joys, etc. This helps your brain get it all out ahead of time and at bedtime you can just relax and sleep.