Teach Your Kids to Say Thank You!


One of the most important things we can teach our children is to be thankful. Kids these days really do have lots to be thankful for. Teaching them to be thankful will help them grow up to be better adults. Here are three ways your kids can say thank you.

  1. Send a thank you note through the mail.
    This is the most traditional way to say thank you. It can also be the most personal way to say thanks. You can buy pre-made cards or have your kids make their own.
  2. Call them on the phone.
    Making a phone call is a great way for kids to say thank you. They can tell the person thank you and how they have used the gift. This is also an opportunity for the gift giver to have a conversation with the child.
  3. Go for a visit.
    Everyone loves a visit from kids, especially older relatives. If you happen to live close to the gift-giver this is a good way to say thanks. You can make a dessert and thank you note with your child and deliver it together.

How do you say thank you? How do you teach your kids to be thankful?