Technology for Tots


My toddler loves to play with my computer. We have a little toddler computer with color, number and letter games, but I’m always surprised at how much she actually knows about my laptop. She knows how to use the mouse, how to turn it on and other things I’m sure she’s learned just from watching me and from using the computer in her preschool class.

Toddlers learning about technology has become a huge push over the last several years. They grow up using sophisticated electronics like phones and computers from the time they’re crawling.

New national standards are being implemented in 45 states that require teaching technology to students as young as preschool-aged. The Colorado Core State Standards agreed back in February 2010 that Colorado schools will implement what is called “21st century learning skills.”

The skills will teach students to use all forms of media. For example, a student might need to create a podcast for use on a class website.

Technology isn’t going anywhere or slowing down; is teaching skills using technology a good way to integrate education, or does it cause dependency?