Top foods you are feeding to your kids with added sugar


New research from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shows that 59 percent of your child’s diet has food choices full of added-sugar calories.

Two-thirds of the sugars are being eaten at home and not at school or daycare.

We all know to avoid sugary sodas and candies but where are our kids getting the most hidden sugars?

  1. Low-Fat Peanut Butter
    Just stick with natural peanut butter for your kids. Ingredients should just be peanuts and maybe some salt.
  2. Cereal
    Some cereals are said to have as much sugar as a candy bar. So be mindful while choosing cereal for your kids.
  3. Packaged Fruit
    Canned fruits may be packaged in syrup. Fresh fruits are best.
  4. Flavored Milk
    Chocolate or Strawberry milk should be a treat. If you need to, sneak Ovaltine or Carnation Instant Breakfast into their milk to add vitamins.
  5. Fruit Leather or Gummies
    These snacks are not fruit and are loaded with sugars. Check the labels.
  6. Yogurt
    Watch the labels for all the added sugar on your favorite yogurts, they can really add up.

Read more HERE.

Do you worry about sugar in your child’s diet? What are you “go to” snacks instead of sugar added items?