Trash Bag Pom Poms


It’s almost time for the Super Bowl! Who are you rooting for? Help your kids root on their favorite team with these easy to make “Trash Bag Pom Poms”.

Supplies (for two pom-poms):

  • 20 black trash bags
  • 20 white trash bags
  • Stapler
  • Yardstick
  • Black or silver Sharpie marker
  • Sharp scissors
  • Black electrical tape

How to make it: (Instructions are for making one pom-pom at a time.)
1. Smooth and flatten out 10 black and 10 white bags, then lay them one on top of another, alternating colors as you go.
2. Line up all the bags along the left hand and bottom edge. Staple in place along the left hand side to hold all 20 bags together.
3. Trim approximately one inch off all the other sides to create a stack of single plastic sheets that measures 22″h x 24″w.
3. Measure 12″ across the bottom and top and use a couple of staples to hold all the layers together at these two points.
4. Fold the stack in half width-wise, and orient your material so the fold is at the top. Your stack of bags will now measure approximately 12″h x 22″w. Make a line of staples all the way across the top, and about ¾” down from the fold to hold all the layers in place. Trim the bottom edge so it is nice and even. The folded stack should now measure approximately 11″h x 22″w.
5. Cut strips, approximately 1-inch wide, along the width of the folded stack, starting at the bottom, raw edge, and stopping about 1 ½” from the top folded, stapled edge. You can do this freehand, or use your yardstick and sharpie to trace lines.
6. Once you have cut all the strips, roll the bags along the top edge. You will be creating a giant “tassel”. Use electrical tape to hold the rolled fabric in place, wrapping the top, and simultaneously creating a “handle”. Puff out strips of plastic to make the pom-pom.

Click here for more SUPER Bowl craft ideas.