Tylenol or Motrin: Which One Should I Use


Tylenol and Motrin are two of the most widely used medicines for children, especially when they have a fever. Most doctors will tell parents to use what works best for your child. Many children respond better to one or the other.





Here are things to consider when choosing Tylenol or Motrin:

  • Acetaminophen is available in suppository form (Feverall) you can use it if your child is vomiting or won’t take meds.
  • Acetaminophen can be used with kids under the age of six months while ibuprofen is usually recommended for children over six months of age.
  • It is important to make sure you are using the correct dosage for the medicine you use.
  • You can alternate acetaminophen with ibuprofen for a child who has a fever.  It isn’t always necessary to give a fever reducer to a child, unless it is to help them feel better.
  • Ibuprofen should be given with food because it can upset a child’s stomach.
  • Ibuprofen reduces aches and pains, acetaminophen does not have an anti-inflammatory.


Comparison chart from WSJ.com.