Vodka Tampons New Teen Fad? Colbert Sends a Warning!


This has been going around for a while and lots of people considered it an urban legend. When I first heard about this new trend to get drunk, I was speechless. Teens are using tampons, soaked in vodka to get a buzz. “Quicker high, they think it’s going to last longer, it’s more intense,” said Dr. Dan Quan from Maricopa Medical Center.

“This is not isolated to any school, any city, any financial area,” Officer Chris Thomas, a school resource officer, said. “This is everywhere. There’s been documented cases of people going to the hospital with alcohol poisoning just from utilizing it that way,” Thomas said.

Not only are girls doing this, but boys too. Another new fad, “butt chugging.” They are using a beer bong, anally, to get drunk. Teens don’t realize how dangerous this is for them. It can lead to alcohol poisoning, mucosal irritation, and doctors aren’t going to look down there if a teen shows up to the hospital passed out.

This seems like an urban myth, but police around the country are saying it really is happening. Whether it is true or not, Stephen Colbert’s report on this “teen trend” is enough to make anyone laugh. It’s a good reminder that some of these new trends may not be worth getting worked up over. Check it out below.

Have you heard about these new ways of getting drunk? Do you think it is really a problem or is it just a crazy thing a few people heard that somebody elses’s cousin was doing?