Water Birth with Dolphins: Not the Best Birth Plan


Dolphins are amazing animals and are spectacular to see in the wild.  We’ve been told forever that they are extremely intelligent and show affection just like humans.  This has led some people to the idea that having a baby in the water near dolphins is a great idea.  Wild animals, an ocean, a mother giving birth: what could possibly go wrong.

I’m not saying a birth must be in a hospital, but this whole idea just sounds a little to out there.  Darina Rosin and her husband Maika Suneahle run a sanctuary in Hawaii.  She says the dolphins near her make her feel transformed and healed.  She plans to give birth among the dolphins

A North Carolina couple planned to give birth among dolphins back in 2013.  They took their dolphin birthing info from The Sirius Institute in Hawaii, where people can pay to have their baby at the Dolphin Attended Water and Natural (DAWN) Birth Center.

Apparently, Sirius claims on its website that “dolphins are able to heal or improve a wide range of medical conditions” including autism and Down syndrome. On top of the healing, children who are born near dolphins “develop six months faster over their first six months” and “are ambidextrous.”

Right, so, this couple said they hoped to spend time with the dolphin pod in order to be accepted and give birth with the dolphins nearby.  Experts say this could be the worst birthing plan, ever.  Christie Wilcox wrote on Discover website, “This has to be, hands down, one of the worst natural birthing ideas anyone has ever had…dolphins will ‘toss, beat, and kill small porpoises or baby sharks for no apparent reason other than they enjoy it, though some have suggested the poor porpoises serve as practice for killing the infants of rival males.”

Darina, friend, it sounds like you are a lovely woman and really just want the best for your baby.  Most of the world wants you to know that having a baby with dolphins is an insane idea. Please do yourself a favor and stay away from strong ocean currents and wild animals when you give birth.