Week 3 Post-Baby Weight Loss: The Suck of It All


Tuesday: Slim & Tone Pilates
Thursday: I cleaned my house in preparation for my Mother-in-Law coming for the weekend. Yep, you read that right. I cleaned the way we clean when guests are coming. And yes, it counts!

My body feels like a lava lamp – soft and spongy – and I’m still trying to find the 50 pound weights tied to my legs making it next to impossible to lift them above the height of a grasshopper. Jumping jacks? No thanks. Burpees? Forget about it. Let’s try again when I find where the last 10 years went along with my youth and abundant energy.

This week was rough. I was excited to do my workouts but the dread of embracing the suck was all too real. I’m not any GOOD at the workouts yet. Yes, it feels good to use my body like this again but not being GOOD at it IS the suck factor. There’s no way I’m putting a mirror up to check my form because I don’t want to see it. Maybe in a month when I’m getting better at the exercises and they don’t feel so foreign and HARD!

The results are my motivation – fitting into my jeans again and having more options than yoga pants. Yoga pants don’t give me a muffin top. Yoga pants don’t feel like I’m stuffing mashed potatoes into a test tube. Yoga pants don’t judge me.

Results like doing a pushup – a real one – which took me 15 months to accomplish after my first baby. I didn’t even know I could do a real pushup because it never occurred to me that I could. But it took work and months and months of doing them over and over and over. So I’ve got to remember how it felt when I could do even just one. It felt awesome! I felt strong in a way that I had never felt before. I want that again.

Feeling good about myself is my motivation. I want to recognize my reflection once again coupled with not have back pain from trying to stand up straight. I’m not going to downplay how good it feels to fit into that special pair of jeans and turning around to not hate the rear reflection. I am going to play up how important it is to feel good – to just FEEL GOOD. Whether it be to feel good about how our squats and push ups are improving, how fast our walk/jog/run is getting, or that our ass is shrinking, I’m here to celebrate it all. Because it’s ALL important. It ALL matters.

When we look good, we feel good. When we feel good, we look good. How we feel is a reflection of success!

A mother of two and a Colorado Native, she grew up in suburbia Denver and met her husband in college at Regis University. They were best friends for years before he kissed her and well…as they say, the rest is history. He joined the Army after they graduated in 2002, so they moved several times and just came back from living overseas. Being gone for over 10 years, Colorado is still their home and they feel so good to be back!

<strong><em>Click here for more “New” mom articles from Crystal! </em></strong>

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