What Moms REALLY Want For Mother’s Day


I’ve been a mom for 16 years now, and most days I love it.  We all have those times where we want to pull out our hair, drown ourselves in chocolate and run for the hills… because let’s face it, being a mom is one of the hardest jobs out there!




BUT thankfully there’s nothing quite like the relationship between mother and child, and I wouldn’t trade the precious moments I’ve been blessed with for anything in the world (even though it really is hard some days)

Once a year society recognizes our efforts by giving us “Mother’s Day”, and if we’re lucky enough we may get breakfast in bed, some flowers and a homemade card. There haven’t been many Mother’s Days where I was disappointed, because for the most part my family tries their best to honor me in their own way. (I mean, who doesn’t melt over fresh picked flowers from the backyard and hand written card from a sweet 6-year-old?!)

I do think it’s funny though, that there are gifts society thinks we want, and then there are gifts we really actually want…

I asked a number of moms what they really want for Mother’s Day this year, and I wasn’t surprised that many of them echoed the same sentiment, the less work the better, please! So, here are some samples of what moms would like to have on Mother’s Day, and it wouldn’t share to hurt the list with your loved one!

It’s cliché, but a nap and a good dinner cooked and cleaned up by someone other than me. A tradition my hubby started was letting the kids pick out a perennial flower for me and planting it in our garden on Mother’s Day. When it reblooms every spring, it’s a sweet reminder. Of course- chocolate, candles, jewelry, and perfume are always welcome. – Janet S.

If we had an extra $15k lying around I would say a mommy package (boob job and tummy tuck) but since we have nothing close to that…a new pair of running shoes is always good for me. And for things that don’t cost any money I have to go with cleaning the house, making dinner, laundry, doing the grocery shopping, etc. so I don’t have to. From the kids, the only thing I would ever want for all my birthdays, mothers days, Christmases, forever and ever is for no fighting, no whining, and cleaning up their own messes without me having to tell them. I guess when they get older I would add things like doing homework, making their own lunches, practicing instruments, etc. but again, without me having to nag. Just be responsible and do the things you know you should do without me having to turn into the Hulk to get it done. -Monica M.

I like the simple dinner and a chore free day. -Rachel B.

A day free of chores and dealing with kiddos; I want to be around them but not have to deal with arguments/needs/requests, and ice cream.  Lotttts of ice cream! -Tera B.

Time to read/drink coffee, with no arguments/whining or guilt of sitting doing nothing all day – Cynthia K.

My girls, a hot pot of coffee, a tidy house and all meals made! -Glenda C.

I’d love just a day of peace and quiet with yummy food in a very clean house that I didn’t clean…a girl can dream – Ruth S.

A day of peace with my family. No drama, no bickering, lots of considerate children and thoughtful courtesies. It sounds so simple, but such days are nearly impossible to come by! – Tacy M.

My whole house cleaned sparkly clean, a healthy dinner made, and free time on a different day other than Mother’s Day because I think it’s nice to spend time celebrating motherhood with the people who made me a mother -Heidi B.

A massage, and someone to come dust, clean baseboards, vacuum, the whole shebang! And a nice meal I don’t have to cook or clean up afterwards. That is a big one! -Christina W.

To not do all the “Mom” things -Angela R.

A nap!  Does that count?? – Sarah C.

I’m a mother all year, so just put your dishes in the dishwasher every day, all year!! -Tina P.

A massage and a pedicure -Lynnette S.

To sleep in, have some quiet time alone, and then spend some time with my kids and my husband with the kids not fighting (Also I’ve had my eye on this collapsible wagon) -Stephanie H.

Food – lots of food, fixed for me every meal that day or take out -Rachel B.

A clean house and a steak dinner (not made by me) -Heather L.

To sleep in, eat what I want, not count calories, pizza, clean house, no fighting -Emily E.

Botox – Josie F.

Massage or a day at the spa -Gabby S.

Seriously would love a clean house, and no fighting, and then a long conversation with a friend -Kathleen T.

Most definitely a super clean house, peace, no cooking, massage, and a girl’s night (on a different day) -Alyssa L.

So, there you have it!  Most moms just want a little peace and quiet and chores done for them!  That’s not too much to ask…is it?!

We’d love to hear what you would like for Mother’s Day in the comments below!