Women-Only Parking Spaces: Good Idea or Totally Sexist?


There has been an uproar in Germany over new women-only parking spots. The spaces are wider and framed in pink. Some opponents  are calling it the government’s way of saying women are worse drivers than men. Supporters say there is a good reason for these parking spots. Other opponents say it is sexist against men.

Women’s-only parking spots aren’t just found in Germany. In fact they are in many countries around the world, including Austria, Switzerland, South Korea, and China. In the town of Triberg Germany, the Mayor, Gallus Strobel, told the Daily Mail he was accused of ‘male pig-headedness’ because the female spots were better lit and wider while the male versions were flanked by concrete pillars and could only be reversed into.

The spots are wider and that makes sense because women are often times traveling with children and need more room to get in and out. It is obvious not everyone is happy about these parking spots, but they aren’t going anywhere. In some countries there is no fine or ticket for men who park in these spots.

Would you use these spots? Do you think they are sexist?