Women Photoshopping Pregnancy Tests


Trying to get pregnant or hoping not to be pregnant can cause severe anxiety.  Women are taking this to the extreme and “hacking” their pregnancy tests.  This is called “tweaking” and a lot of women believe they can get a positive or negative answer earlier.

These women take the pregnancy test early and post the pictures on popular sites like Babycenter.  Other women “tweak” the photos. They adjust the brightness and contrast to see if they can enhance a faint line that could be invisible in a regular photo.  There is even an app that can help women tweak their test.

This is obviously not a certainty and just because there is a faint line, manipulated by photoshop, doesn’t mean a person is for sure pregnant. Many of the tweak forums advise women to follow up with a later test and definitely see a doctor for follow-up care.
