3-Year-Old Tantrum After Realizing Hostess Muffins Discontinued (VIDEO)


This little guy, 3-year-old Lucas, is genuinely upset (you’ll see the tears) when he finds out that his favorite chocolate chip muffins have been discontinued due to the liquidation of the Hostess company.

The 3-year-old’s big sister was kind enough to talk him through his disappointment and post video of Lucas’s meltdown to YouTube for all the world to see. Click here to watch the clip to see exactly what Lucas thinks of a world without Hostess muffins.

Why are you crying?” someone off-camera (possibly sis) asks the boy.

“Because the cookers won’t make the muffins anymore,” Lucas replies tearfully.

While Lucas’ reaction is one of a 3-year-old, it may be argued that many adults acted in a very similar fashion when they found out about Hostess. Many rushed to hoard what was left in grocery stores and bakery outlets, creating quite an upheaval at many stores across the nation (as we watch on TV).