4-Year-Old Dies in Tragic Accident Due to Something We All Have in Our Home


We baby proof, buy the safest car seats, do our best to keep our kids safe. However, we can’t keep our kids from everything harmful.  This latest story shows that there is always something we won’t think of.

Brianna Radar’s 4-year-old son, Matthew, died after ingesting cinnamon.  The official report said that he climbed on the counter, ingested a large amount of the spice, and was pronounced dead 90 minutes later at the hospital.   “He started choking. It was like he was having a seizure and just collapsed,” his mom said.

She is now warning other parents, especially parents of teens, about the “cinnamon challenge.”  “Cinnamon can kill…All these kids, they don’t think about the fact it can hurt them.” The cinnamon dries out the mouth and can cause the bile to go into the lungs and cause pneumonia and even death.  It can also scar a person’s lungs.

The bottom line is to talk with kids old enough to know better and let them know it isn’t an innocent challenge, but a dangerous game.  If you have younger kids, keep the spices high and keep the kids off the counters.  We can’t protect our kids 100 percent of the time, but we can do our best.


    • According to the original story it was the spice cinnamon. Apparently, swallowing too much of the spice being inhaled is what causes problems.

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