5 Back to School Rules for Teens & Their Cell Phones


Every school has rules regarding cell phones and tablets and computers. Some schools ask kids to BYOD “Bring Your Own Device.” Most parents who give their children set rules of their own. You might remember this mom who had her son sign an 18-point iPhone Contract.  More kids than ever have cell phones and many of them have smart phones. Here are some rules and boundaries that parents can establish for their cell-phone-toting tweens and teens.

  1. If mom or dad is calling, you better answer the phone. Guess who pays for your phone? Guess who has given you this phone, fully expecting you to be available when they call? It is the least a kid can do to answer mom or dad when they call.  I promise you, they won’t call that often.  (On the same note, parents, try not to call or text your kids during the school day unless it is an emergency.)
  2. Obey School Rules! If your teacher says no cell phones on during class, turn off the phone. If your school allows cell phones, but says no social media during school hours, stay off those sites till after school  On the flip side, there are a lot of teachers who are finding creative ways to integrate cell phones and tablets into their teaching. Ask your kids about Kahoot! It is a super fun game and they love using their phone or tablet to play.
  3. No cell phone usage while driving, ever. There is no wiggle room on this one. If you must talk on a phone, pull over to a safe location, have your conversation, and get back on the road. Sure, some cars have built in blue tooth, but they are still a major distraction to teens who are just learning to drive.
  4. Turn in your cell phones to parents every night.  In our house we have a landing zone for all our kids’  technology. It is in the kitchen at the butler’s desk. They plug in their laptops, cell phones, and tablets at 7:30 on week nights and 9:30 on weekends.  This way there is no temptation to check their Instagram or Snapchat with friends all night long.
  5. No cell phones behind closed doors. This is about maturity and most tweens and teens just need a little extra help keeping themselves safe.  If they aren’t using their devices behind closed doors they are less likely to take questionable pictures or look at inappropriate websites that are unsuitable for their age.

There are so many more standards and boundaries for kids and cell phones. What are some of your family rules for cell phones?

This is posted above our technology landing center.  It is a reminder of the rules and that technology is just a tool and not a close and important member of the family.
This is posted above our technology landing center. It is a reminder of the rules and that technology is just a tool and not a close and important member of the family.