Yes, I’m a Mom and I Think Kids are Annoying


I’m a mom. I have two boys who are 9 and 12.  I love them with all my heart. I like my niece and nephews. I like some of my kids’ friends.  I think most kids are annoying. Don’t judge me until you hear me out.





1.    If your kid comes to my house to play with my kids, awesome, but I really want them to play with my kids and not stand around talking to me.

2.    If I’m in a restaurant I really don’t want to hear your screaming kid. I’ll play peek a boo for a minute, but please make them turn around so I can eat my dinner in peace.

3.    Parents need to control their kids on an airplane. I hate flying and the last thing I need is a kid kicking my seat or sticking their hands through the seat.

4.    Don’t bring a talkative kid to an adult movie. I’m totally ok with kids in kid appropriate movies. If I’m at the 7:45 showing of Southpaw or Trainwreck, there should not be a young child or baby in the theater.

5.   Neighbors, please, please, please don’t send your kids to my house all afternoon or after 7 or 8 at night. Neighbors are great, but when the kids are at my house everyday, for hours at a time I feel like an unpaid babysitter. Side note, if this starts happening, I usually tell the kids they have to play outside, no one in the house.

6. Grocery stores are not playgrounds. I realize that some parents have to bring their kids along to the grocery store. If you do, make your kids stay with you, please control them. Kids don’t need to run up and down aisles or scream bloody murder.

7. Don’t let your kid be a bully on the playground. Even if they are two or three, if they are throwing wood chips or hogging the swings, they need a parent to show them how to behave. I realize that playgrounds and parks are a great place to let the kids run and get out their energy while we catch up on a book or emails. However, parents need to pay attention to their kids.

Now that I’ve gone back and read what I wrote, I think it’s just annoying kids I don’t like.  I try to keep my kids from being nuisances to other people and in public. I guess I just expect other parents to do the same.