How Many Hours of Sleep Does Your Child Need?


I will never understand the completely unfair fact that parents LOVE sleep, and children DESPISE it, but for some reason, it’s the lot us parents have been given! For some of us, trying to get our children to bed at a decent time is a constant struggle, especially when they throw in excuses like “I’m thirsty”, “I can’t find my favorite stuffed animal”, or “I have to go to the bathroom” (again, for the 4th time)… but despite the drawn out drama every night, it really is very important that our kids are getting enough zzzz’s.  Recent studies from the American Academy of Sleep Medicine have shown a very strong correlation to the mental and physical health benefits children receive from regular sleep schedules, and the major consequences that can arise from the lack of consistent sleep.

The benefits of sufficient sleep in children range from improved attention span, happier behavior, better learning capabilities, and strong mental and physical health.

On the other hand, insufficient sleep patterns increases the risk of obesity, diabetes, accidents and childhood anxiety/depression.

A lack of sleep in teenagers can even cause mental health issues like self harm, depression and suicidal thoughts.

We focus a lot on diet and exercise to keep our families happy and healthy, but the amount of sleep they are receiving on a regular basis is sometimes highly underrated.

Based on your child’s age, use the guidelines below to see how much sleep they should be getting each night. Sometimes the best way to figure out if your child is receiving enough rest is simply by their behavior. Did they wake up easily, or were they still tired and grouchy? How is their attention span and mood?  Every child is different, so using these cues may be best in figuring out the right amount of sleep for your child.
