How to Clean Your Humidifier


Dry skin and coughs are common this time of the year.  Most of us in Colorado have learned that a humidifier helps alleviate this problems. We have humidifiers in the bedrooms and main living space.  However, when they get dirty, they can cause more problems that they are worth.  Mildew and minerals buildup and mix with the humidity and that is not good for people breathing it in.



Cleaning your humidifiers takes a little work, but it is worth it.  Most people recommend cleaning your humidifier once a week or every few days. Definitely clean it thoroughly before putting it away for the season.


  • Humidifier
  • White vinegar
  • Tap water
  • Bottle brush or toothbrush
  1. Take apart the humidifier and lay the pieces out on a clean towel or countertop.
  2. Pour vinegar into the humidifier. This means the water reservoir and the base.
  3. Use the brush to clean out the areas that have build-up and gunk. You’ll see it. dirtyhumidifier
  4. Rinse out the vinegar and gunk.  Let the parts airdry.
  5. Run water through the humidifier. If you don’t have time to run a round of water through, make sure you rinse thoroughly and get out all the gunk.  Vinegar is non-toxic so there is no worry of it causing problems if a little goes through the appliance and into the air.

We checked out Pinterest for ways to clean a humidifier and these were the basics of pretty much every article.  However, some people used bleach, because it disinfects. Other versions suggested hydrogen peroxide to help loosen up the gunk.

One of the best ways to keep your humidifier humming along is to change the filter frequently.  If you have a filter that requires cleaning, use vinegar or CLR. Here is a helpful video that shows how to clean a humidifier filter with CLR. I LOVE CLR for cleaning bathrooms and anything that comes into contact with moisture because it really works.