Learn With LEGO


Kids love playing with LEGOs, so why not use them to help your kids learn? Here are five LEGO oriented Learning ideas we found on Pinterest.  These were some of our favorite ideas, but there are tons more where these came from. For more ideas check out:

HomeSchoolEncouragement.com – Ideas for learning and the only thing you need are LEGO blocks.

Learning With LEGOS – MIT Videos – MIT explains DNA, molecules, and more with LEGO.

Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math – LEGO encourages STEM oriented learning. Go beyond the basic LEGO blocks with these awesome sets.



Do you have any favorite ways to use LEGOs to help enhance your kid’s learning experience?




Build Stories with LEGO – This example from Pinterest uses a kid favorite, Good Night Gorilla, but you can build almost any story. Instead of a diorama, try using mini-figures and basic blocks to recreate favorite scenes and stories.

Learning With LEGOS
Retell stories with LEGO scenes

Add and Subtract With LEGO – This is probably one of the easiest and most simple ways to use blocks to learn. While they are at it, maybe they can sort the thousands of blocks all mixed together in that large bin.

Add, subtract, multiply, and divide using LEGOS.


LEGO Marble Run – Learn about speed and angles by building a marble run.

Learn with LEGOS
Make a marble run with LEGOS. They don’t even realize how much they are learning.


Letters, Counting, and Measuring with LEGO – This LEGO lap book is perfect for Pre-K and Kindergarten learners.  It’s all in one place and simple to use.  The best part is that it is FREE thanks to the amazing mom at Walking by the Way.

LEGO worksheets
LEGO worksheets are a great way to stick with the LEGO oriented theme.


Learn Fractions With LEGO – Fractions can be difficult to understand, but use a few LEGO bricks for a visual concept that most people instantly understand. My kids are in 4th and 7th grade and we still pull out LEGO bricks to help understand math concepts.


LEGO Learning
LEGOS make learning fractions super easy.