RECALL: Simply Right Baby Wipes Could Make Kids Sick


As of this week Simply Right baby wipes which are sold at Sam’s Club are no longer on the shelf after the manufacturer found bacteria in them called B. Cepacia.

According to Sam’s Club, the bacteria could cause children with chronic health problems or a weakened immune systems to be more susceptible to infection.

The company says, “We’re communicating with members who have recently purchased the item so they understand the quality concerns and can return their product to Sam’s Club for a full refund.”

However, Brandon Lamp, a father that uses the wipes told ABC 7 News he received no notice at all, and is disturbed.

Many day care centers also use the wipes since they are purchased in bulk, and when contacted, many did not know about the recall either.

Please share with parents you know, and if your child goes to day care, ask what brand of wipes they are using on your child, and if they use Simpy Right, please inform them of the recall.