Taylor Swift is So Generous Go Fund Me Had to Change Its Rules


Just weeks after she changed the internet by pressuring Apple Music to change their ways and pay artists during the streaming service’s three month free trial, she has now caused another company to change its policies.

11-year-old Naomi Oaks is currently fighting leukemia, and has a Go Fund Me page to help raise money for her treatments. Taylor Swift donated $50,000 through the service, but had to do it in increments since the maximum donation allowed by Go Fund Me was only $15,000.  Swift made three donations of $15,000 and one of $5,000 to equal $50,000.

“Taylor Swift’s donation was so generous that it required us to increase the donation limit on the platform,” GoFundMe CEO Rob Solomon said in a statement published on the company’s blog.

Naomi will have to miss Taylor Swift’s upcoming concert tour due to her 6-9 month intensive therapy treatment, but she was tickled pink to receive a message from her favorite artist accompanied by such a generous donation.

Swift wrote: “To the beautiful and brave Naomi, I’m sorry you have to miss it, but there will always be more concerts. Let’s focus on getting you feeling better. I’m sending the biggest hugs to you and your family.”


You can watch Naomi’s adorable reaction below:

image via Billboard