Vatican Says NO to Plastic Surgery



When the Pope speaks, people listen. When he came out in support for breastfeeding, women cheered. Now the Vatican is criticizing plastic surgery.

In a paper, “Women’s Cultures: Equality and Difference,” for a church plenary assembly it was clear that elective plastic surgery is not healthy.

“Plastic surgery that is not [necessary] can be aggressive toward the feminine identity, showing a refusal of the body in as much as it is a refusal of the “season” that is being lived out. If the body is the place of truth of the feminine self, in the indispensable mixture of culture and biology, it is also the place of the “betrayal” of this truth.”

The paper says there is a link between plastic surgery and eating disorders. The bottom line is that women need to learn to appreciate who they are and how they are made.

Should the church offer opinions on topics like plastic surgery?