You Won’t Believe Why This Aunt Sued Her 12-Year-Old Nephew


Most Aunts would be thrilled to get the loving reception Jennifer Connell received from her nephew at a family birthday party, but she is now suing her loving nephew because he greeted her by leaping into her arms.  The New York city woman is suing him for $127,000 because his loving gesture accidentally ended up breaking her wrist.

Yesterday, in a packed courthouse, jurors in a Connecticut Superior Court ruled against Connell, decided she didn’t deserve a dime in her civil claim against her nephew. “We just didn’t think the boy was negligent,” a juror told reporters outside the courthouse.

The accident took place four years ago in March 2011 at a family gathering celebrating Sean Tarala’s eighth birthday. According to reports, the 54-year-old aunt thought Sean “should have known better” than to jump into her arms as a means of welcoming her.

“All of a sudden, he was there in the air, I had to catch him, and we tumbled on to the ground,” Connell shared in court last week about her encounter with her 50-pound nephew. “I remember him shouting, ‘Auntie Jen, I love you,’ and there he was flying at me.”

“I live in Manhattan in a third-floor walk-up so it has been very difficult,” she said during her testimony. “And we all know how crowded it is in Manhattan.”

Apparently on top of having to walk up stairs with a broken wrist, the accident has affected her social life. “I was at a party recently, and it was difficult to hold my hors d’oeuvres plate,” she added.

Although she claims she adores her “very loving, sensitive” nephew, Connell believes Sean – whose mother died last year and appeared in court with his father- should be held accountable for his brazen actions.

What do you think of this Aunt?